Shariah Governance and Assurance in Logistics
Halal Logistics refers to the supply chain process of managing the logistics operations such as fleet management, storage/warehousing, and materials handling according to the principles of Shariah law in ensuring the integrity of the halal products at the point of consumption.
To ensure integrity and assurance in providing halal logistics services to our customers, we have established our own Halal Management Systems and acquired the halal logistic certification accredited by the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia or better known as JAKIM (Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia). The accreditation covers both the halal supply chain, warehousing, and related services.
With the certification, our customer opting for the halal logistic services will have assurance that their halal products are properly segregated and protected against cross contamination from non-halal elements in the supply chain process.
For service enquiries, please contact our Sales or Customer Service.